Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Being a first time mom

A little girl, asked where her home was, replied, "where
mother is." ~Keith L. Brooks

Congratulations on becoming a mom!!

How does it feel to have that responsibility for the first time? To be on the other side? To be looked up with such trust? Welcome to the club of new moms!!!

To be honest, after a cesarean section and a week at the hospital, I was still lost!! so what's happening? I was 24 when my son was born and I found a thousand questions storming my mind. I tried to understand why my baby was crying every time he did. Is he hungry? Is his nappy soiled? Am I feeding him enough? Is my breast milk just fine or is there a problem? Oh then why is he still crying? Oh I know!! I am not good enough to be a mom!! All this married life and to be a mom is just not in me. No, this is not working !!

Sounds similar? So does it to most moms for the first time. You feel insufficient and you are not doing enough. You just don't know what to do and it's all wrong. Relax!! You are not alone out there. For starters, you have your own baby for company. After having spent a nice time in your tummy for the past nine months, he too is lost about what is happening around him.

So, both of you can work it out together. It will not be long before you begin to understand why your baby is crying. And not at all long before you feel back in control and life is of course normal.

The first months are a bit(??!!??) tiring. I never slept for one night for the first month. My kid would wake up at about 10:30 during the night and stay right awake till morning, somewhere around seven. And I would feel, "What have I gotten myself into?"

But, as saying goes, "This too shall pass". As the days go by things start getting better. Your baby too is getting accustomed to his new surroundings.

Of course there is always something new that comes up. But by now you will be in a better shape of body and mind to handle them.My son became colicky during the second month. He used to cry through out the evening till late night and cry himself to sleep. For days we did not know how to handle it. He would not feed, would not play and could not be calmed by any means. Our neighbours suggested we get him used to some nice soothing music when his calm during the day. That would help him to get distracted when he was colicky. But as luck would have it, I happen to show him a cartoon picture on my laptop and it turned out to be a god send. Whenever he became colicky, I played it for him and he spent about half an hour on it.

There will always be some reason we find ourselves running to the doctor for him. But all of this is quite natural and your baby will grow up even before you know.

And now I am with a six month old and life is happy. He knows to call me when he is bored, ask for food if he is hungry, talk to me when he is happy and give me a brilliant smile in which to lose myself.

So, good luck new mom!!